
Differentiating technologies from our own R&D

With one foot in the world of scientific research and the other in business, we advance the state of the art in technology and accelerate its application to business use cases.

Our proprietary technologies


State-of-the-art NLU engine, multilingual and #1 for French


French Question Answering model, the most advanced in the world

ILLUIN Dialogue

Low-code bot management platform and dialog engine


Real-time voice stream analysis on an industrial scale

Doc Augment

Revolutionaryvisual document analysis technology

The most powerful NLU engine on the market

ILLUIN NLU orchestrates several state-of-the-art AI approaches and models in real time to achieve a level of natural language understanding unrivalled on the market.

With virtually no training required, ILLUIN NLU makes all the difference when it comes to implementing any conversational or intelligent document processing project.

Our ILLUIN NLU technologies
Our FQuAD technologies

No. 1 in French-language Question-Answering

FQuAD is the world's best-performing French-language Question Answering model (F1-score of 92%). It is at the heart of our conversational and search applications.

For example, FQuAD is capable of extracting, from millions of documents, the precise answer to any question posed in natural language. And even know if the answer doesn't exist!

Applied R&D is at the heart of our DNA

World-renowned work

More than 2,200 man-days of R&D in 2022, mainly in NLU/NLP, 4 scientific publications published internationally by a dozen research teams.

The best experts on the market

Our Data Scientists, Software Engineers, DevOps, UX/UI Designers, etc. all come from the most highly qualified training courses in France and Europe.

Our bots management platform management platform

ILLUIN Dialogue lets you design dialog scenarios for your conversational agents - chatbots, mailbots, callbots, voicebots... - no matter how sophisticated, without any technical skills.

Then create interactions with your IS, deploy your bots on all your written channels (website, mobile app, WhatsApp, Facebook Messenger...) and voice channels (IVR...) and manage activity using analytics!

Our ILLUIN Dialogue technologies
Our ILLUIN Voice technologies

L'voice flow analysis made possible in real time

ILLUIN Voice is one of the only technologies on the market capable of extracting data "on the fly" during a voice conversation, to automate input into business tools (CRM, DB, etc.).

Used "cold" on a set of conversations, it can also be used to identify recurring call reasons, assess call quality and customer satisfaction, analyze feelings, etc.

Uniquevisual document analysis technology

ILLUIN Doc Augment is a technology thatidentifies the structure of documents - headings, paragraphs, footnotes, diagrams, tables, etc. - without any training. - without any training.

In particular, it automatically reconstructs the table of contents of documents, which makes a big difference when it comes to searching or extracting information.

Our ILLUIN Doc Augment technologies

Our technologies in the media


ILLUIN Dialogue & Chronopost

BFM Business

ILLUIN Dialogue & Randstad


ILLUIN Voice & AlloMedia