The most advanced generationof conversational agents

Automate your high-volume written and voice conversations and "augment" your business teams to create differentiating omnichannel user experiences.

ILLUIN Talk products

ILLUIN Talk Callbots

Callbot / Voicebot

Automating voice conversations and IVR

ILLUIN Talk Chatbots


Automating instant written conversations

ILLUIN Talk Mailbots


Automated mail classification and processing

ILLUIN Talk Voice Parser

Voice Parser

Real-time data extraction from voice streams

ILLUIN Talk Speech Analyzer

Speech Analyzer

Voice analysis: satisfaction, reason for call, feelings...

Revolutionize your call center experience

Callers want to "talk to someone": meet this expectation with a stunning interaction experience without mobilizing your resources on basic, repetitive requests.

Your callbot handles a maximum number of calls autonomously (self-service) and qualifies more complex requests to optimize your advisors' interventions (qualification/redirection). 

ILLUIN Talk Callbots
ILLUIN Talk Chatbots
ILLUIN Talk Chatbots

Automate the processing of high-volume requests

Our chatbots have such a high level of natural language understanding andinteraction with your IS that they can automate complex business processes, while remaining easy to administer.

From simple information requests to advanced self-service, they handle your users' recurring requests end-to-end, across all channels, in all languages , 24 hours a day.

Sort and process incoming e-mails automatically  

Mail is widely used by certain categories of users, but processing it is difficult, time-consuming and repetitive.

Equipped with a state-of-the-art NLU, our mailbots understand the intentions contained in each email, redirect them to the right departments, capture key data and JVs in your tools, and automatically trigger the right responses and business processes.

ILLUIN Talk Mailbots
ILLUIN Talk Voice Parser
Voice Parser

Put an end to data entry and concentrate on your core business

Voice Parser transcribes any voice stream in real time, extracts key data - names, dates, amounts, concepts, etc . - and enters it into your tools (CRM, HIS, HRIS, etc.). - and enters them into your tools (CRM, HIS, HRIS, etc.).

And to take things a step further, Voice Parser "augments" its users with alerts (forgetfulness, conflicts, etc.) and high value-added suggestions (reminders, sales bounces, suggestions, etc.).

Boost your call center managers

Speech Analyzer detects ways toimprove call quality andoptimize resources through in-depth analysis of massive volumes of conversational data.

Capable of monitoring call compliance,evaluating customersatisfaction or identifying "automatable" calls with a bot, it is essential for managing your call centers

Speech Analyzer

They testify


Laurent PLUCHON - Customer Relations Manager


Christophe MONTAGNON - CDO